Rails Migration quirk

It is believed that rails migrations are atomic transactions, that is, if there is an error, the whole thing is rolled back. Well I came to an interesting exception.

I created a migration to add an association to a model:

rails g migration AddModelOneToModelTwo model_one:references

which creates the migration to add model_one_id to model_two.

In this particular project, I am using mysql, and a previous version default of the id was int(11) and most the tables were created like so. The current version’s default for id is int(20). Running the previous migrations creates model_one_id to be int(20) but fails to create the reference to the id in the model_one table as they are not the same type. The migration therefore fails. However, the created column somehow persist, and cannot go forward or backward without manually manipulating the database. The rails console does not load because there are migrations to be run. Trying to run the migration again throws an error with field model_one_id already exists, but this partial change cannot be rollbacked. Stuck!

What to do?

  1. This migration needs to be adjusted so that the model_one_id column is of type int(11) by adding this to the code: type: :integer.
  2. In the mysql CLI, select the database of interest by: use database_name;
  3. Manually delete the already created model_one_id from the model_two table: ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name;
  4. Check the state of the table with show full columns from TABLE;
  5. Get out of the mysql CLI.
  6. Run the migration.
  7. That’s it.

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